Economic Development Advisory Commission

The Economic Development Advisory Commission’s mission is to provide advice and guidance in creating, implementing and revising the economic development master plan. The Commission shall review City progress in the fulfillment of the master plan. The Commission will bridge communication efforts to build relationships between the public sector, the community and business interests.

Additionally, the Commission shall advise and recommend policy to the Kingman City Council concerning:

(a) Develop and maintain programs to help in the maintenance and expansion of existing business, industrial and commercial enterprises.

(b) Promote economic development and establish a framework to be utilized in coordinating local, State, and Federal efforts to attract and encourage sound economic growth in the City.

(c) To encourage the establishment of a civic and economic climate that will promote the expansion of existing and attract new businesses within the city limits.

(d) The creation and maintenance of informational resources to assist in promoting economic development and marketing strategies for the City, existing businesses, and potential businesses.


Regularly Scheduled Meeting - Quarterly on the 4th Tuesday of February, May, August and November at 12:00 P.M. in the City Council Chambers.

Board Members:

  • Brittney Gish (Chairperson)
  • Brian Zimmerman
  • John Bennett
  • Debra Sixta
  • Tosha O'Neill (Vice Chairperson)
  • Morgan Wilson
  • Dr. Wendy Reisinger
  • Council Liaison:  Shawn Savage